View Full Version : how really to resolve external links

28th March 2017, 22:19
I want on Qt 5.7 (which it is compiled only with static libraries under Windows on MingW)
to make only static library. In this library other static libraries are used.
(For example: png, gif, etc.). I Compiling from QtCreator that he makes a code of library - creates .obj files
for everyone .cpp and then simply causes the utility ar.exe which turns all in the archive containing
all compiled obj's. The .txt file in archive do not contains references to external functions.
Links to external functions are not resolved on deeper levels. Though I through keys-L and-l specify
libraries, whence it is necessary to take realizations of these functions. Any messages about unresolved external no, though.
I can specify keys -L and -l though in general or I specify nothing with same result.
A question - how really to call linker ld.exe, that he has resolved external links.
Perhaps, understandably, that MinGW does not want to do, as it is necessary to him to resolve links to Windows system libraries.
But it is possible and necessary to create the self-sufficient program.