View Full Version : Value Browser 3

1st May 2007, 07:27
Value Browser 3 is the powerful Qt component which allows to edit
values represented as a value list (like as Delphi Object Inspector, and
so on).

Its home page is http://ii-system.com/soft/vbrowser/vbrowser_en.htm

The main features are:

- Multi-page support
- Item hints
- State flags
- Hierarchical items layout
- Group items
- Special and Own values
- Value lists with auto-completion and auto-appending
- Storing and restoring of value sets
- Quick browser fill
- Binding with external (linked) values
- Import/Export with QSettings
- Highlighting of changes
- Input value validation (numeric, regex and own validators)
- Button editors
- Combo editors
- Extended values and editors (bool, numeric, color, etc.)

20th May 2007, 17:28
Update 3.2.1 is available.

Project page: http://ii-system.com/soft/vbrowser/vbrowser_en.htm

Mirror for download at Qt-Apps: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Value+Browser?content=50717

Mirror for download at SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195409


3.2.1 (snapshot from 2007/05/20)

- Added TPointValue and TPointValidator classes to deal with QPoint values.
- Added TSizeValue and TSizeValidator classes to deal with QSize values.
- Added TRectValue and TRectValidator classes to deal with QRect values.

- TFontValue icon now represents a thumbnail of the current font.
- Added spin button editor fot TFontValue's font size subitem.

- Revised TIntegerValue and TDoubleValue classes: static validators moved
to iisValidators module.
- TValueValidator::validate() now operates with QVariant rather then QString.

- Compatibility fixes for Qt 4.1.x.
- Fixed issue with linking QFont values.

24th June 2007, 08:13
Update 3.2.2 is available.

Project page: http://ii-system.com/soft/vbrowser/vbrowser_en.htm

Mirror for download at Qt-Apps: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Value+Browser?content=50717

Mirror for download at SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195409


3.2.2 (snapshot from 2007/06/23)

- Added setMinimum(), setMaximum(), setRange() to TIntValidator and TDoubleValidator.
- Extended TTextValue editing dialog.
- Compatibility fixes for Qt 4.3.x.
- Compatibility fixes for 64 bit compilers.

2nd September 2007, 21:00
Update 3.2.3 is available.


3.2.3 (snapshot from 2007/09/01)

- Fixed issue with restoring tooltip font in TFontValue.
- Group items now using all the width available for the text.
- Group items could be drawn as subgroups (lighter than groups).

25th December 2007, 01:05
Value Browser is well designed, very fast and easy to use. I intend to use it for my algebraic geometric modeler (http://axel.inria.fr).

There are some features I think are missing:
- Each property is assumed to be read&write. I would love to set an item read only.
- The linked data system is very convenient and makes the code lighter. However it obliges designers to provide either a direct access to the data (i.e. public fields) are reference values as accessors return types. I would love, instead of providing a linked data (the void *), to be able to provide both a read and write function (in somehow a similar way it is done for the QObject's connect).

Thanks for this free tool, keep enhancing it.

26th December 2007, 02:53
Just wanted to let you know that Lib builds with 0 errors
"Demo" compiles with 34 errors. The first one is:
Error 5 error C2491: 'TTextValue::s_TextButtonEditor' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowed vb.3.2.4.snapshot.20071125\src\addons\iisTextValue .cpp 31

VS2005, qt4.3.0

26th December 2007, 21:10
MacOSX Leopard, Qt-4.3.3. Library builds fine as well as demos.


27th December 2007, 14:12
Just wanted to let you know that Lib builds with 0 errors
"Demo" compiles with 34 errors. The first one is:
Error 5 error C2491: 'TTextValue::s_TextButtonEditor' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowed vb.3.2.4.snapshot.20071125\src\addons\iisTextValue .cpp 31

VS2005, qt4.3.0

That's a msvc issue. It does not allow constructs like this:

DLL_EXPORT class Foo
static int bar, baz;

You must explicitely declare the static vars line by line.