View Full Version : What is my compatibility issue here?

19th May 2017, 22:09
I get a compiler error when trying to create a project with a .ui file I created in designer.

the error is "This file was generated using the moc from 4.6.4 lt"
"cannot be used with the include files from this version of QT"
"The moc has changed too much"

My software versions are as follows:
RHEL 6.7
QT 4.8.4
Qt Creator 3.0.1 GCC 4.4.7
QT Designer 4.6.2
QWT 6.1.3

Any help would be appreciated.


29th May 2017, 08:48
Hi, there seem to be two versions of Qt (4.6.4 and 4.8.4), and they are mixed up during the build process. The moc is taken from Qt 4.6.4, and compilation seems to use another Qt.
