View Full Version : OpenGL Code does not work in Release mode

6th June 2017, 08:40

hi developed a Point Cloud Viewer for my special needs. It depends on Cube Example that works in Debug and Release mode. Then i start my Application in Debug mode everything is drawn correctly, but in Release mode he doesnt show anything.

I got an error message from opengl in glDrawElements in PointCloudViewBase::drawSlices (Line: 792) with INVALID_VALUE error. I googled and i am pretty shure the error comes from some missing things beforehand, but i cant figure out what i am doing wrong.

It would be nice if some OpenGL expert can have a short look on the PointCloudViewBase:: paintGL and PointCloudViewBase::drawSlice methods to check that i am doing wrong.

I attached the Project. Checked it with Qt 5.8 and 5.9 on Windows 10 with Visual Sudio 2015 Community