View Full Version : Using QDataStream

2nd May 2007, 15:12

I want to use QDataStream to stream images thru QUdpSocket. The images are on OpenCv's IplImage format, and structure like this:

typedef struct _IplImage
int nSize; /* sizeof(IplImage) */
int ID; /* version (=0)*/
int nChannels; /* Most of OpenCV functions support 1,2,3 or 4 channels */
int alphaChannel; /* ignored by OpenCV */
int depth; /* pixel depth in bits: IPL_DEPTH_8U, IPL_DEPTH_8S, IPL_DEPTH_16S,
IPL_DEPTH_32S, IPL_DEPTH_32F and IPL_DEPTH_64F are supported */
char colorModel[4]; /* ignored by OpenCV */
char channelSeq[4]; /* ditto */
int dataOrder; /* 0 - interleaved color channels, 1 - separate color channels.
cvCreateImage can only create interleaved images */
int origin; /* 0 - top-left origin,
1 - bottom-left origin (Windows bitmaps style) */
int align; /* Alignment of image rows (4 or 8).
OpenCV ignores it and uses widthStep instead */
int width; /* image width in pixels */
int height; /* image height in pixels */
struct _IplROI *roi;/* image ROI. when it is not NULL, this specifies image region to process */
struct _IplImage *maskROI; /* must be NULL in OpenCV */
void *imageId; /* ditto */
struct _IplTileInfo *tileInfo; /* ditto */
int imageSize; /* image data size in bytes
in case of interleaved data)*/
char *imageData; /* pointer to aligned image data */
int widthStep; /* size of aligned image row in bytes */
int BorderMode[4]; /* border completion mode, ignored by OpenCV */
int BorderConst[4]; /* ditto */
char *imageDataOrigin; /* pointer to a very origin of image data
(not necessarily aligned) -
it is needed for correct image deallocation */

So, what operator from QDataStream can I use to get this working?


2nd May 2007, 15:35
Why don't you flatten all the members in this struct to the data stream, in the order they are defined?

It's no easy way of doing this...
I see there are a couple of member structs...

I say you do a "big" function that flattens this struct, and another one that reads it from a QDataStream.
