View Full Version : Discovery free Shortcut CTRL+S on QTextBrowser

4th May 2007, 09:51
I have rebuild my HTML Editor Wysiwyg + Source editor & highlighter to have more Shortcut and i wand to have CTRL+S to save doc.
How i can make it free?

And i found Shortcut that i not write ... like CTRL+O comming the font color setting..., Why?

CTRL+S is hidden for other thing ... not run i use F2 to save doc but is not correct..:(

QTextBrowser doc dont list all.

You can test it and grep on source..

http://ppk.ciz.ch/qt_c++/html_editor/_htmledit.tar.bz2 600kb

can compile on all OS if qt4 is installed.... on GNU compiler & MINGW [if VS can build i dont know... i not pay for it..]

QVimedit::QVimedit( QWidget* parent )
: QTextBrowser(parent)
numerobase = 0;
shortcut0 = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+W", "Print Screen as image")),this);
connect(shortcut0, SIGNAL(activated()),this, SLOT(MakePrintScreen()));
shortcut1 = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("F2"),this);
connect(shortcut1, SIGNAL(activated()),this, SLOT(SaveCurrentDoc()));

numerobase = 0;