View Full Version : Converting accented characters to std::string returns mangled text

23rd August 2017, 00:03
If my QString's value is

WeÅ .txt

the function QString::toStdString() will return

WeÃ… .txt

whereas the function QString::toStdU16String will return the actual string

WeÅ .txt.

Why is that ? Å is a UTF-8 character as can be seen here : http://www.fileformat.info/info/charset/UTF-8/list.htm.

23rd August 2017, 17:16
std:: string is a template specialization of std:: basic_string<T>, with T being "char". If you want conversion of non-ASCII characters, you need to use std:: wstring (which is the basic_string specialization that uses wchar_t). The QString conversion is QString::toStdWString().