View Full Version : Qt Static Build - Build error g++

5th September 2017, 21:07
I tried to follow this article to make a static build. First i tried this QT static buil (https://wiki.qt.io/Building_a_static_Qt_for_Windows_using_MinGW) After two tries because the powersheel did not match my setup it started to download and after several hour the whole thing crashed because it could not find minwg32. I look some more for a more "manual" way to do this and i found this Built static Qt5 (http://dimitris.apeiro.gr/2015/06/24/build-a-static-qt5-for-windows-by-compiling/) the comments seem ok so i gave it a try. I uninstall my QT and re install it because he used the unified only installer, several hours later i had all installed ready to "upgrade" run the configure command, worked for about an hour and i get g++.exe application error Also get on the Qt command: MakeFile 176: recipe for target '../bin/qmake.exe' failed.
Is there any way that this could be fixed?

6th September 2017, 09:19
Hi, please post the exact error messages, and maybe your configure.exe command line.
