View Full Version : AxAcroPDFLib behavior

8th September 2017, 18:51
I'm using the above QaxWidget plugin (I think it is a plugin) to display pdfs on a page for the user to see. Starts fine with the PDF using the whole area of the widget, but after two or three clicks the menu to manage PDFs appears on the right side using most of the small window. There is a little arrow that you can click to move the menu to the right but it reset itself after every click. This are the calls that i making to the plugin, fileserializer is just the name of the file:

ui->docView->dynamicCall("LoadFile(cons QSrting)",fileSerializer);

does anyone knows how to get rid off the right side menu? or at least to show mostly hidden from the beginning?

8th September 2017, 19:27
This really has nothing to do with the QAxWidget class (which is in a DLL, not a plugin in the Qt sense of plugins). The QAxWidget merely provides a container for the COM object to display its contents and methods for interacting with it.

The things displayed in the window are being drawn there by the COM object, so you will need to look at the COM class API to see if there are calls you can make to change the way it displays itself.

8th September 2017, 19:38
Thanks for the quick answer, i did use the CODE tags, i highlighted the piece of code and clicked on the # sign at the top. Ok with the COM suggestion. will dig there to see if there is anything that can be done.

8th September 2017, 20:24
i did use the CODE tags

Thanks. The CODE tags thing is part of my signature block and goes out on every response. It wasn't directed at you in particular.