View Full Version : Receiver

5th May 2007, 19:14
hi. i have created a dialog, which i want to connect to actionAbout, which is in help->about (in menu) which is in main window. so, sender will be action, signal-triggered and what wil be the receiver? slot will be actionAbout, but what will be the receiver? regards

5th May 2007, 19:26
See the examples:

Application Example (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/mainwindows-application.html)
Menus Example (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/mainwindows-menus.html)

Create a custom slot in the main window class and show the dialog by hand. You don't want to waste memory by keeping such things as rarely shown about dialogs in the memory for the lifetime of the application.. ;)