View Full Version : Crypto++ on Android: library linkage issue

18th October 2017, 18:19

I'm trying to build a Qt application for Android that makes use of Crypto++.
Following the instructions written here (https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Android_(Command_Line)) I managed to get a libcryptopp.a and a libcryptopp.so. I've used mingw32-make on Windows 10 to build.
I've added the library in the .pro file like

contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH,armeabi-v7a) {

...but I get a lot of errors like

error: undefined reference to 'CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator::GenerateBlock(un signed char*, unsigned int)'

I'm assuming that's because the library is not properly linked. Any idea how to make it work?


21st October 2017, 11:48
I ended up using libsodium. It was easier to make it work and also it's a more high-level crypto library, so even better.

12th September 2018, 07:56
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