View Full Version : Please Help I want to make my browser using QWebChannel work in multple instances

30th October 2017, 02:44
Hi Guys! First of all thank you in advance.
I am a newbie in QT specially in QWebChannel. I have constructed a web browser using QTWebEngine and to be able to communicate through my sample html with java script functions I have used QWebChannel and web scoket as transport; more specifically I just borrow the code snippet in the example included in QT 5.7.1 . I was able to manage to get it work. I can now call C++/QT function inside html/java script and vice versa. And as it goes along I tried to run more than one instance of the browser in the same computer but it wont allow me; Once the first instance was launched the second instance will overwrite the first one. I'm thinking it is because the particular socket in the example was hard coded ("ws://localhost:12345"). Is there any way to deal with my problem?