View Full Version : Debug plugin loader in console application

13th December 2017, 11:30

I have 2 project in one session in qt creator. One is console application and the other is shared plugin. I'm loading the plugin and then call it's method. I want to enter plugin's method and debug it over there. Is it possible? If it is, Can you tell me what should i do?

QPluginLoader * pluginLoader = new QPluginLoader(pluginPath.c_str());
QObject * plugin = pluginLoader->instance();

if (plugin)
deviceManager = qobject_cast<DeviceManager *>(plugin);
return deviceManager->initialize(); //I want to enter this function which is in plugin project
delete pluginLoader;
return false;

PS: I'm using Qt 5.6.2 with MinGW 32bit.

Thanks in advance

24th December 2017, 07:21
Its seems MinGW not supporting this feature. I used Microsoft compiler and it works.