View Full Version : SCXML and QScxmlCppDataModel cause a segmentation fault

27th December 2017, 10:57
Hello everyone,

I'm using the QScxmlStateMachine and wanted to use the QScxmlCppDataModel.
I copied the "mediaplayer-qml-cppdatamodel" example and executed it without any problem.

Since I'm not using QML, i replaced the main function with the following:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QScxmlStateMachine* machine = new MediaPlayerStateMachine() ;


return a.exec();

Unfortunately, I get a segmentation fault that I remove when I comment the line (in my .scxml) datamodel="cplusplus:TheDataModel:thedatamodel.h".

I also tried to simply add the QScxmlStateMachine instantiation and starting inside the original main function but it still fails.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

qmlRegisterType<TheDataModel>("MediaPlayerDataModel", 1, 0, "MediaPlayerDataModel");
qmlRegisterType<MediaPlayerStateMachine>("MediaPlayerStateMachine", 1, 0, "MediaPlayerStateMachine");

QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

QScxmlStateMachine* machine = new MediaPlayerStateMachine() ;

return app.exec();

Launching in debug gives only the line where the error occurs which is return app.exec();

Does it ring a bell to anyone?


Qt5.7.1 on linux 64

27th December 2017, 14:11
Ok, found where the issue is.

I forgot to set the data model; in QML example:

Mediaplayer {
MediaPlayerDataModel {
id: model

stateMachine: MediaPlayerStateMachine {
onDataModelChanged: start()
dataModel: model

So, in C++, I added the 2 lines for the data model:

QScxmlStateMachine* machine = new MediaPlayerStateMachine() ;
TheDataModel* dataModel = new TheDataModel();


Hope it helps some of you.

Have great vacation everyone.