View Full Version : 'QString::null' is deprecated: use QString() [-Wdeprecated-declarations]

4th January 2018, 15:42
Hi everyone,
Hope everything is going well.
I'm beginner, after build&Run following warning occurs:
'QString::null' is deprecated: use QString() [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
May anyone help me to resolve it?

4th January 2018, 16:43
[ChangeLog][QtCore][QString] QString::null is now deprecated. When
used to construct a QString, use QString() instead. When used to
compare to a QString, replace with QString::isNull().

search your code for both cases and correct as states in the above quote.
(By the way, when they say use QString() instead, its meant instead of QString(QString::null); )

4th January 2018, 17:31
I didn't pay attention.
It simply solved by replacing QString::null with QString() .