View Full Version : Qt Creator how to Change /usr/lib/ to LIB+=/home/mydir and INCLUDEPATH+=/home/mydir in .pro file

22nd January 2018, 14:23
Hi All

i need to change the /usr/lib/ to /myownpath ---->LIB+= PATH (LIB+=/home/mydir/) and INCLUDEPATH+= /my own path/

can you guys please help me regarding the how to change path..if i change it will compile successfully..?


22nd January 2018, 16:13
The way you ask your question does not really make sense.
/usr/lib is a location on your file system, what do you mean by wanting to change IT to something else?
in LIB you set paths where libraries are that your code depends on.
In INCLUDPATH you specify locations where headers your code depends on are located.