View Full Version : Qt Visual Graph Editor

20th February 2018, 20:44
Hello Everybody,

let me announce QVGE - Qt Visual Graph Editor.

It is a multiplatform graph editor written in C++/Qt.
Its main goal is to make possible visually edit two-dimensional graphs in a simple and (hopefully) intuitive way.

As for now, the currently published version is 0.4.1. It has following features:

- Easy interactive editing of indirected, directed or mixed graphs
- Support of node and edge attributes (colors, shapes etc. as well as user-defined ones)
- Auto-layout and auto-creation of graphs
- Import from GraphML, GML and GEXF formats
- Export into PDF and popular image formats
- Export into GraphViz DOT format
- Export into DOT format
- Export into GEXF format

The application can be downloaded from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qvge

The project page on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge

Please feel free to share your opinions about this thing. Thank you in advance!

4th March 2018, 23:28
Hello Everybody,

There is next release available: QVGE 0.4.2 (beta)
- added new color scheme (Sunny Spring)
- added common editor modes to simplify the editing
- default node & edge properties set to UI when new scene is attached
- auto-assign of currently selected node & edge properties to the newly created items
- more tool- & status tips displayed
- some common operations made more intuitive (clone items with pressed Ctrl etc.)

- fixed issue with dragging items over their labels
- (Linux) fixed issue with default IO directory
- (FreeBSD) fixed restoring of maximized windows (Qt issue)

The project page on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge

16th November 2018, 23:42
Hello Everybody,

There is next release available: QVGE 0.5.1 (beta)
Now it can work with node ports and perform a full-search within graph nodes, edges and attributes.

The application can be downloaded from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qvge

The project page on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge

12th January 2019, 13:27
Next release available: QVGE 0.5.2

The application can be downloaded from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qvge

The project page & changelog on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge


14th April 2020, 07:54
Next release available: QVGE 0.5.2

The application can be downloaded from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/betsafe (https://dobramine.com/kasyno-online/betsafe)

The project page & changelog on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge


Hello everyone. I'm new! I see that a year ago, an update came. Now there is another version of 2020. Tell me, is it better to take the old version or the new one?

24th June 2020, 08:37

There is next release available: QVGE 0.5.5

Project page & changelog on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge

- A lot of defects have been corrected.
- New useful shortcuts added
- Better drawing of edges & arrows
- Node ports supported
- Improved export into image & graph formats

18th December 2020, 10:43
Next release available: QVGE 0.6.2

Since 0.6, QVGE has a tighter integration with GraphViz.
It allows to import and export files in DOT format and to lay out the nodes using GraphViz layout engines directly.

The application can be downloaded from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qvge

The project page & changelog on GitHub: https://arsmasiuk.github.io/qvge