View Full Version : QFile error string is returned in wrong language

8th March 2018, 09:14

I have an issue with the language used in a string returned from QFile errorString().
The error is returned in the language defined from system (Windows), but I need to display this message in my application always in english.
Setting default QLocale doesn't seem to have any effect:

// Set language to a different language as defined in QLocale::system()
QFile file("");
// Error string still in system language
const QString errorString = file.errorString();

Is there a way to change language used from QFile errorString() or a way to use an existing parser to parse QFile::FileError to a specified language?

8th March 2018, 17:07
You can use http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qfiledevice.html#error . errorString() is getting it's string from Windows and therefore the Windows locale is used

9th March 2018, 09:20
Yes I know how to get the error code from QFile but I found no parser to parse this error code into a readable string. I don't want to write a parser, when a parser seems to exist somewhere.

Is there a way to use the parser who is used internaly from QFile class with a specified language?