View Full Version : Raspberry pi 3 open serial port qt and display data on GUI

24th May 2018, 14:53
hello everyone,i'am working on "test procedure" project i have to set communication between raspberry and and a communication card to micro-controller using qt GUI c++.
So, my question is how could i display the results(read DATA from port) of the communication between raspi 3 and micro-controller on my GUI??
actually my GUI, will show every time the steps i should do. if step 1 ok , my GUI will show me the next step.
I hope my question is clear enough, then you could help me in my code project.
thanks for advance.

2nd June 2018, 16:46
i have wirte Project but not work on Pi.....
when write on Qt your can use USB TTL tran data
i use FingerPrint R305 for Project ....