View Full Version : QWidget dropEvent MS Windows virtual files from QDropEvent mimeData()

29th May 2018, 19:20

when dropping for example an e-mail message from Microsoft to a QWidget the resulting QDropEvent / mimeData() does not fetch the actual .msg file data. I know there are some articles/threads on other sites on this topic, e.g. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/b2e50357-a87c-4323-a851-5050b0e5b34b/not-able-to-get-filecontents-after-drop-on-form-occured?forum=outlookdevl, but I don't understand how to connect this with a QWidget drop event, plus it makes use of MAPI which is not ideal, because it is not a generic approach. The C# example https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28209/Outlook-Drag-and-Drop-in-C?msg=5523921#xx5523921xx does exactly what I want to achieve without MAPI, but depends on DotNet, but obviously I'm using Qt5/C++. I also read, that there is an abstract class in WinExtras QWinMime which is supposed to convert certain Windows specific Clipboard formats, but I can't find any information on implementing concrete classes or how to use within a dropEvent. Can someone help please?