View Full Version : Run executable path incorrect

7th June 2018, 17:04
Hi, I'm trying to build & run my qt project but nothing appears.

I don't get any issues but in my application output, I get : Executable C:\Users\Oli\Documents\QtProject\LireTimer\LireTim er\LireTimer.exe does not exist.
When I go in the project settings / run settings , my working directory is correct C:\Users\Oli\Documents\QtProject\LireTimer\LireTim er
But my executable path is C:\Users\Oli\Documents\QtProject\LireTimer\LireTim er\LireTimer.exe instead of C:\Users\Oli\Documents\QtProject\LireTimer\LireTim er\debug\LireTimer.exe

My path doesnt end with \debug\LireTimer.exe like this picture


Also, I created a folder LireTimer to use shadow build which I deactivated to try to fix the problem. The second LireTimer directory is created automatically by Qt. Can I rename it per default to another name like source instead of the name of my project?

11th June 2018, 19:37
Needed to change the target of makefile.Debug (line 70 for me) :
Before : TARGET = progg.exe
After : TARGET = debug\progg.exe