View Full Version : QDrag ownership

19th July 2018, 12:55
I implemented some custom drag+drop in the standard way. Part of the dragging code:

QDrag* drag = new QDrag(this);

Now I am wondering: Who owns the QDrag* object 'drag'?

It seems to me that I do, and I have to do delete the drag object before returning:

QDrag* drag = new QDrag(this);
delete drag;

However, in none of the Qt drag+drop examples this is done. They just let the pointer go out of scope and dont bother about it!

(note that the 'this' passed to the constructor is not a 'QObject* parent' but the source of the dragging.)


The documentation doesnt say anything special either.

Who owns it? Do I have to delete it or not?

20th August 2018, 09:14
I think Qt takes the ownership. You can easily verify it by subclassing QDrag and putting a qDebug() statement in the destructor to see if and when it is invoked.