View Full Version : Which software I should use to begin

15th August 2018, 11:25
hi All, I'm Luca.
I'm new to QT.
I work in an animation studio and we use a software for animation called Toon Boom Harmony (on windows 7 professional).
I would like to develop some script, and according to the Toon Boom documentation the script must be done with QT 4.8
I'm Struggling to understand which tool-kit I need to instal in order to learn QT 4.8.
I've read that there's is a thing called "QT Quick" but I've not understood what exactly it is.
I've found this link for a download for an "Open Source Usage under (L)GPL v3 license"
Is that link the right one to download the necessary things?
My task is to learn how to manage basic script in QT and then apply them to the Toon Boom software; basically, my task is to manage nodes, collect x and y data, manage them. At the moment don't Need to build an app or manage a database or other complicated things

Can someone help a newbie :)
Many Many thanks
Luca Costa

for clarity, this is the reference that the Toon Boom support gave us about the script

16th August 2018, 18:43
First, don't double post. It doesn't get you an answer any faster, and annoys people.

Second, according to the Toon Boom link, you do not need Qt at all to write scripts. The scripts are written in a language called "Qt Script" (now obsolete) which is an extension of javascript. Follow the link to the Oracle documentation so you can learn to write scripts in this language.

The specific use with Qt 4.8 allows you to build UIs and execute Qt functions. See the examples here (https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/examples-script.html). All you need to worry about is the code in the ".js" (javascript) files. Ignore the C++; the Toon Boom script editor and interpreter should be doing that internally.

17th August 2018, 11:33
hi d_stranz, you're right the double post was entirely my fault ( i was a bit impatience sorry about that )
Well that a good news.
I didn't realize that details about the difference.
That's make my life a way easier!!!
thanks again for the tips