View Full Version : Possible QtCreator bug

22nd October 2018, 16:01
I am using Qt4.8.4
QtCreator 2.8.1

Have have a large application in development. Nearly 10,000 lines. I have a complex tabWidget gui on the front end. There are about 1,000 widgets on the 12 tabs in the tabWidget. Currently, when I edit widgets, add or delete, in the tabWidget, when I clean and make the project nothing on the tabwidget has any functionality, almost like the widget enabled check box had been changed. This is the case even if I do a make clean from the command line. There are other widgets outside of the tabWidget that function normally. Several of those push button widgets will navigate to any one of the tabs, but nothing in those tabs has any functionality. One of the tabs has 34 qCustomPlot widgets and they are continually updating the plots with data as they should be, but there is no "clickability" on any of the widgets on that tab either. There are pushbutton widgets , radio button widgets , check box widgets , lineEdit widgets , textEdit widgets.

Has anyone reported any similar strange behavior from QtCreator? Any suggestions for a cure?

Thanks for any help


23rd October 2018, 14:07
Hi, do you get any warnings about connections on the command line after starting the program?

Btw, 1000 widgets? That means you have nearly a 100 widgets per tab. This is one hell of a GUI. Is there no way to simplify this?


8th January 2019, 15:49
The only way to simplify it would be to do away with the tabs and display individual forms. I would still have all the widgets. There is lots of data coming from various sensors, temperature monitors etc etc, so there are groups of leds turning red and green and data being displayed awaiting operator response/interraction. Actually it's not 1000, I counted them, it closer to 810. Still a lot of widgets.

I removed QtCreator and reinstalled it. That fixed the problem. Something occurred that corrupted the original QtCreator installation

8th January 2019, 16:22
Still a lot of widgets.

Hope you aren't writing nuclear reactor control software. I'd hate to be the operator who has to spot one red LED widget in a sea of 809 green ones.

8th January 2019, 20:41
It might be better to create a custom widget and do the rendering yourself...

11th January 2019, 18:35
The only way to simplify it would be to do away with the tabs and display individual forms.

Not necessarily.

You can easily make each tab page as a separate widget in designer and then create the tab widget in code.

Usually a far better approach as you can test each page individually.
