View Full Version : Program crashes when adding QGraphicsEllipseItem to the scene

2nd April 2019, 20:27
Hello !!
I'm making a Four In a Row kinda game and i have problem spawning circles. When i press space i create an ellipse but when i try to add the thing to the scene my program just crashes...

This is Player.cpp where an object ( circle ) is created.

This is Zeton.cpp

This are Player's and Zeton's header files

Game.cpp file

Game.h file

Any help is appreciated !!!

2nd April 2019, 20:42
This doesnt work:

class Player : public QObject, public QGraphicspolygonitem


Multiple Inheritance Requires QObject to Be First

If you are using multiple inheritance, moc assumes that the first inherited class is a subclass of QObject. Also, be sure that only the first inherited class is a QObject.

so just do

class Player : public QGraphicspolygonitem

as Qgraphicspolygonitem already inherits qobject.

3rd April 2019, 07:04
This doesnt work:

class Player : public QObject, public QGraphicspolygonitem


so just do

class Player : public QGraphicspolygonitem

as Qgraphicspolygonitem already inherits qobject.
No, it does not. QGraphicspolygonitem inherits QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem which inherits QGraphicsItem, but none of those is a QObject.


3rd April 2019, 07:27
I forgot to say that, if i put 'this' as a parameter when creating an object Zeton the circle is spawned, but not on the right position and everytime my "player" moves left or right, circle moves with it aswell.

3rd April 2019, 08:10
I'm making a Four In a Row kinda game and i have problem spawning circles. When i press space i create an ellipse but when i try to add the thing to the scene my program just crashes...

Access of invalid pointer?
Where do you set the global "game" variable?

This is Player.cpp where an object ( circle ) is created.

Please don't post screenshots of code, post the code.
It is simple text after all.

The board has code tags which will then take care of the formatting.


3rd April 2019, 17:34

In my previous Thread i posted the code, i forgot about those code tags this time tho, sorry. And after asking that question "Where do you set the global "game" variable?" i realized that i globally defined Game and then i redefined it again in the main function. Now it all works ! thanks !!