View Full Version : Getting a QPieChart to work

23rd June 2019, 19:26
I want to make a pie chart and have looked at the documentation (it's in C, which I do not understand) and am having trouble. I have 8 slices of the pie and I want each a different color. Here is what I have so far, which produces at least one error (comes on the line: series.append("Auto", auto):

series = QPieSeries()
chart = QChart()

# Each slice's value
auto = self.expensesWindow.piechart[0]
employ = self.expensesWindow.piechart[1]
ins = self.expensesWindow.piechart[2]
hh = self.expensesWindow.piechart[3]
house = self.expensesWindow.piechart[4]
enter = self.expensesWindow.piechart[5]
util = self.expensesWindow.piechart[6]
other = self.expensesWindow.piechart[7]
# Set up the pie
series.append("Auto", auto)
series.append("Employ", employ)
series.append("Insurance", ins)
series.append("Household", hh)
series.append("House", house)
series.append("Entertainment", enter)
series.append("Utilities", util)
series.append("Other)", other)

Regarding the color of each slice, I came up with this example for one of the slices (but likely not correct) and don't know where to put it:

Auto = QPieSlice("Auto")
Auto.setBrush(QPieSlice.setColor(QColor('#00FF00') ))

To show the chart:

self.chartView = QChartView(chart)

I need help getting the construction of the pie chart to work. thanks

I want to make a pie chart and have looked at the documentation (it's in C, which I do not understand) and am having trouble. I have 8 slices of the pie and I want each a different color. Here is what I have so far, which produces at least one error (comes on the line: series.append("Auto", auto):

series = QPieSeries()
chart = QChart()

# Each slice's value
auto = self.expensesWindow.piechart[0]
employ = self.expensesWindow.piechart[1]
ins = self.expensesWindow.piechart[2]
hh = self.expensesWindow.piechart[3]
house = self.expensesWindow.piechart[4]
enter = self.expensesWindow.piechart[5]
util = self.expensesWindow.piechart[6]
other = self.expensesWindow.piechart[7]
# Set up the pie
series.append("Auto", auto)
series.append("Employ", employ)
series.append("Insurance", ins)
series.append("Household", hh)
series.append("House", house)
series.append("Entertainment", enter)
series.append("Utilities", util)
series.append("Other)", other)

Regarding the color of each slice, I came up with this example for one of the slices (but likely not correct) and don't know where to put it:

Auto = QPieSlice("Auto")
Auto.setBrush(QPieSlice.setColor(QColor('#00FF00') ))

To show the chart:

self.chartView = QChartView(chart)

I need help getting the construction of the pie chart to work. thanks

Added after 1 21 minutes:

I want to make a pie chart and have looked at the documentation (it's in C, which I do not understand) and am having trouble. I have 8 slices of the pie and I want each a different color. Here is what I have so far, which produces at least one error (comes on the line: series.append("Auto", auto):

series = QPieSeries()
chart = QChart()

# Each slice's value
auto = self.expensesWindow.piechart[0]
employ = self.expensesWindow.piechart[1]
ins = self.expensesWindow.piechart[2]
hh = self.expensesWindow.piechart[3]
house = self.expensesWindow.piechart[4]
enter = self.expensesWindow.piechart[5]
util = self.expensesWindow.piechart[6]
other = self.expensesWindow.piechart[7]
# Set up the pie
series.append("Auto", auto)
series.append("Employ", employ)
series.append("Insurance", ins)
series.append("Household", hh)
series.append("House", house)
series.append("Entertainment", enter)
series.append("Utilities", util)
series.append("Other)", other)

Regarding the color of each slice, I came up with this example for one of the slices (but likely not correct) and don't know where to put it:

Auto = QPieSlice("Auto")
Auto.setBrush(QPieSlice.setColor(QColor('#00FF00') ))

To show the chart:

self.chartView = QChartView(chart)

I need help getting the construction of the pie chart to work. thanks

UPDATE: I got the pie chart to work (the code was correct - there was an error in the data file), but I still need to know how to make each piece of the pie a color of my choosing.
SOLVED: Thanks for looking

_slice = series.append("Auto", self.expensesWindow.piechart[0])
_slice = series.append("Employment", self.expensesWindow.piechart[1])
_slice = series.append("Insurance", self.expensesWindow.piechart[2])
_slice = series.append("Household", self.expensesWindow.piechart[3])
_slice = series.append("Housing", self.expensesWindow.piechart[4])
_slice = series.append("Entertainment", self.expensesWindow.piechart[5])
_slice = series.append("Utilities", self.expensesWindow.piechart[6])
_slice = series.append("Other", self.expensesWindow.piechart[7])

23rd June 2019, 20:12
The QPieSeries::append() call returns a QPieSlice object.

So if you want you can set the color right there

series.append("Auto", auto).setColor("#00ff00");


24th June 2019, 12:54
Thanks anda -- I like your streamlined version

How would I:

1. Set the font size on the labels that point to the slices (labels already showing on outside of pie with a line to the slice)
2. Put the % each slice represents next to the label on the outside of the pie

24th June 2019, 19:54
Font is just another setting of the slide

slice = series.append("Auto", auto);

For the percentage you might have to calculate that yourself and then call setLabel() on the slice.
