View Full Version : Cannot add custom type to d-bus protocol

5th August 2019, 15:03
As written In the title, I am trying to add my custom type (calles TestType) to a d-bus based interfaces. However when compyling the code, I get an error message in the generated adaptor code

TestType has not been declared.

I have searched the internet and found some examples how it should work. So in the XML protocol file (Test.xml), I have added following method:

<method name="testMethod">
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="TestType"/>
<arg name="TestType" type="(i)" direction="in"/>

In my header file I have following (TestType.hpp)


#include <QDBusArgument>
#include <QDBusMetaType>
#include <QObject>

enum class TestType

QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const TestType &testType);
const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, const TestType &testType);


inline void registerType()

#endif // TESTTYPE_HPP

The according .cpp file looks like this:

#include "TestType.hpp"
#include <QDBusMetaType>

QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const TestType &testType)
argument << testType;

return argument;

const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, const TestType &testType)
argument >> testType;

return argument;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

I will try to copy only the relevant lines from my cmake file:

set(SOURCES TestType.cpp AnotherTestClass.cpp Test.xml)

qt5_add_dbus_adaptor(SOURCES Test.xml
AnotherTestClass.hpp AnotherTestClass)

So when the generated source code of the adaptor classes is created, I get the mentioned error. In my understanding, I have to specify somehow that the generated source files include my header ? IF yes, I don't know how to do it, or am I missing something completely? I am using qt 5.12 on ubuntu.

5th August 2019, 16:23
Your introspection XML says that the argument is named TestType, so the generated code will look like

void testType(TestType TestType);

That's like writing

void foo(int int);

I.e. the argument name must not be a type name.


6th August 2019, 08:07
Oh yes, you are right. But I did it correctly in my code, this was a typo here when I changed the variable names. So my problem still remains :/

6th August 2019, 09:03
Have you tried including TestType.hpp in AnotherTestClass.hpp?


6th August 2019, 10:20
That seemed like a good idea, I have tried it but it also does not work. The generated header file of dbus only includes some
QtCore classes, and it does not know about mine :/.

Have you tried including TestType.hpp in AnotherTestClass.hpp?


6th August 2019, 18:38
The generated header file of dbus only includes some
QtCore classes, and it does not know about mine :/.

It should also have included the header you passed.

Can you check which command is actually executed during build?

$ make VERBOSE=1

It should be something like

qdbusxml2cpp Test.xml -i AnotherTestClass.hpp -a AnotherTestClass

Maybe you need to change header name so that it doesn't have the same name as the class that is being generated.
