View Full Version : How should I install point cloud library (PCL) right for Qt?

9th October 2019, 21:11
Hi Guys,

I just new to this forum, I am using Qt5 on windows. I am doing some research about the point cloud library, but my previous project is built with Qt. So I am trying to install PCL for the Qt5, but it turns out not quite well.
I know this might not quite Qt problem, but Qt need some special things to run PCL on it. So, please give me some advise if you know anything help!



10th October 2019, 09:35
I know this might not quite Qt problem, but Qt need some special things to run PCL on it. So, please give me some advise if you know anything help!

If you look at http://pointclouds.org/downloads/windows.html you will see that all the pre-compiled binaries need QT 4.8.0 (and particular MSVC versions), so that is not a viable option if you need Qt 5 support. You could install without the optional Qt support but then, well, you do not have a Qt interface.

You could try to build PCL from source (http://www.pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/compiling_pcl_windows.php) after downloading and installing all the dependencies. The CMake configuration in the Git source seems to look for Qt 5.