View Full Version : handling paintGL in a separate thread

15th May 2007, 16:38
Hi all

I have a qglwidget on my main window, updated via a timer. and It works fine until I do anything that slows down the frame rate. At the moment I'm rendering over 36000 polygons for an isosurface and I'm getting problems with vsync tearing and jittery camera movement. I suspect that event handling for the main thread is interfering in some way so I'd like to handle the rendering in a separate thread. Does anybody have an example of how to do this?

15th May 2007, 17:04
My bad... I found a document by trolltech here http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq06-glimpsing.html#writingmultithreadedglapplications
I didn't find anything in a search of the forum and had found others stuck on this so I thought it was a valid question, thanks anyway.