View Full Version : Restore the mainwindow size on last open

22nd January 2020, 09:04
Hello Everyone,

I just want to restore the size of window of last open window. suppose i have open a window and its size is (500,500) and i have resize it to (600,600).
I have closed the window and again open the project this time window size should be (600,600).
Any help will be appreciable

22nd January 2020, 16:22
Use QSettings to save / retrieve the size and position of your window. Override the QWidget::showEvent() and QWidget::closeEvent() methods for your window class and save and restore the setting there:

// Helper class

// QtSettingsHelper.h

#include <QVariant>

class QString;

class CQtSettingsHelper
virtual ~CQtSettingsHelper() = 0;

static QVariant ReadValue( const QString & group, const QString & key, const QVariant & defValue = QVariant() );
static void WriteValue( const QString & group, const QString & key, const QVariant & value );

// QtSettingsHelper.cpp

#include "SAQtSettingsHelper.h"

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QSettings>

QVariant CQtSettingsHelper::ReadValue( const QString & group, const QString & key, const QVariant & defValue )
QSettings settings( QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName() );

settings.beginGroup( group );
QVariant value = settings.value( key, defValue );

return value;

void CQtSettingsHelper::WriteValue( const QString & group, const QString & key, const QVariant & value )
QSettings settings( QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName() );

settings.beginGroup( group );
settings.setValue( key, value );

// Example how to use to save / restore window sizes

// Mainindow.h:

class CMainWindow
: public QMainWindow

CMainWindow( QWidget * pParent = 0 );

virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent * pEvent );
virtual void showEvent( QShowEvent * pEvent );

void restoreSettings();
void saveSettings();

// MainWindow.cpp

void CMainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * pEvent )

void CMainWindow::showEvent( QShowEvent * pEvent )


static const int sStateVersion = 1000; // Used for versioning state information

void CMainWindow::restoreSettings()
QString path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation );

resize( CQtSettingsHelper::ReadValue( "MainWindow", "Size", QSize( 800, 800 ) ).toSize() );
move( CQtSettingsHelper::ReadValue( "MainWindow", "Position", QPoint( 50, 50 ) ).toPoint() );
restoreState( CQtSettingsHelper::ReadValue( "MainWindow", "State" ).toByteArray(), sStateVersion );


void CMainWindow::saveSettings()
CQtSettingsHelper::WriteValue( "MainWindow", "Size", size() );
CQtSettingsHelper::WriteValue( "MainWindow", "Position", pos() );
CQtSettingsHelper::WriteValue( "MainWindow", "State", saveState( sStateVersion ) );

In this code, I am saving not only the size and position of my main window, but also the state, which contains information on the layout of menu, tab, and status bars as well as any dock widgets. Since saveState() and restoreState() and QMainWindow methods, they will not work for other QWidget classes.

The helper class makes it easier to pass arguments to QSettings for save or restore.