View Full Version : Sudoku grid

5th April 2020, 22:25

So, i want to create a Sudoku grid for my sudoku game/solver and i have no idea what to use to make box-grid for my sudoku game, could someone recommend me what to use for sudoku grid or give some tips before making it.

Thank you:)

6th April 2020, 00:45
Different approaches:
Widgets: a 9x9 QGridLayout of QLabels/QLineEdits.
QGraphicsView: a QGraphicsScene with a 9x9 grid of QGraphicsTextItems or something more suited to your desired display
QML/Qt Quick: a grid of Qt Quick elements.
Which you choose will depend a little on how you want user interaction to work, what you are comfortable with, and what environment it is to run in.

6th April 2020, 07:27
Different approaches:
Widgets: a 9x9 QGridLayout of QLabels/QLineEdits.
QGraphicsView: a QGraphicsScene with a 9x9 grid of QGraphicsTextItems or something more suited to your desired display
QML/Qt Quick: a grid of Qt Quick elements.
Which you choose will depend a little on how you want user interaction to work, what you are comfortable with, and what environment it is to run in.

Thanks for help:)