View Full Version : Displaying different images and data on the same dialog

17th May 2007, 12:04
Hi all

I am working on Qt4.2.3 (intel MAc)

My Problem:

I am having a MainWindow and a dialog ,MainWindow consists of several pushbuttons , and each Pushbutton works differently and different images are set on them ,Now what i want is this,On click of any pushbutton ,a dialog opens(in which there also a QPushbutton) and that QPushButton displays the same image as it was there in the main window . and when I click on some other button of the main window , then it again displays the same dialog but with different image.Means on clicking any pushbutton same dialog opens but each time with different image and different data.Q

17th May 2007, 12:08
Could you explain better?
Do the dialogs always show the same image? Or what?

17th May 2007, 12:17
actually main window consists of several pushbuttons with different images ,Now what i want is this when user clicks on any of the push button of the main window then same dialog opens but with different image and different data .

17th May 2007, 13:50
My problem is solved.
