View Full Version : Can I use the Sql Module without chanage .pro file?

20th May 2007, 12:34

Can I use the Sql Module without chanage .pro file?

My Case:

I use the MSVS 2005,QT 4.2.2

I set the "Project Property"->"Configuration Properties"->"NMAKE":

Build Command:
qmake -project //because the file count or file name maybe chanag.
nmake /f Makefile.Debug

but I want use the sql module........//this shoud add "QT += sql " to .pro file.

so ........... Can I use the Sql Module without chanage .pro file?

20th May 2007, 12:37
Are you using a commercial version of Qt? Do you have the VS integration? If so, check the context menu of the solution/project in the solution explorer.

20th May 2007, 13:03
if you run: qmake -project

qmake build a new xxx.pro file and overwrite your actual pro file...
to handle this make a separate os.pri file ...

and write extra contenents like :

UI_DIR = ui
MOC_DIR = build/.moc
RCC_DIR = build/.rcc
OBJECTS_DIR = build/.obj

QT += xml
QT += network
QT += sql

win32 {

mac {
DESTDIR += ~/Desktop

unix {
DESTDIR += /usr/bin

and on the new pro file insert only
!include( os.pri ) : error( Unable to find os.pri )

or you make many profile.. back-up

debug.pro release.pro

and tell qmake to use...

qmake debug.pro

20th May 2007, 14:44
Are you using a commercial version of Qt? Do you have the VS integration? If so, check the context menu of the solution/project in the solution explorer.

Can you say more? detailed it . I'm a Novice :)

20th May 2007, 14:49
Can you say more? detailed it . I'm a Novice :)
Could you answer the questions?

20th May 2007, 14:54
I use commercial version

20th May 2007, 16:12
Here's a screenshot of VS (http://www.trolltech.com/images/products/qt/qt-vs-integration).

notice the Solution Explorer on the left
right click over solution title or project title (I don't remember which one was it)
select "Add Qt Module" or something similar from the opening context menu

20th May 2007, 17:00
jpn,thank you first

I don't kown VS integration,I think is this problem,so I go find the VS integration now.

to be continue...

20th May 2007, 18:31
I don't kown VS integration,I think is this problem,so I go find the VS integration now.
How do you open the project into VS, then? Do you create a VS project file with qmake at command line? If so, simply repeat the step after adding "QT += sql" to .pro file.

21st May 2007, 10:59

I'm use VS2005 c++ project(Makefile Project)

OK now! I install the "VS integration",I use the "Qt Application Project" now. haha Thank you~~