View Full Version : Embed Excel in QT window with toolbars showing

9th April 2021, 23:16

Have spent several days trying things from numerous threads on this forum but cannot seem to get the result I need.

I need to embed excel within a QT window, showing all excel toolbars as well as the spreadsheet cells. Excel must show within a QT window rather than launching a new instance of Excel.

If I open the desired spreadsheet file directly i.e. ui->excel->setControl("c:\\test\\book.xlsx"); then the spreadsheet displays within the QAxWidget - which is good, but the toolbars are hidden and I cannot seem to make them visible (some attempts below). If I use ui->excel=new QAxWidget("Excel.Application") then open the spreadsheet using ui->excel->querySubObject("WorkBooks")->dynamicCall("Open (const QString&)", QString("c:\\test\\book.xlsx")); the Excel toolbars are visible but Excel is in a separate window and excel is shown in the taskbar rather than being embedded within QT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


ui->excel=new QAxWidget("Excel.Application");
//ui->excel->querySubObject("WorkBooks")->dynamicCall("Open (const QString&)", QString("c:\\test\\book.xlsx"));
ui->excel->setProperty("Visible", true);
ui->excel->setProperty("Caption", "Qt Excel"); //Titled Qt Excel
ui->excel->setProperty("DisplayAlerts", true);
ui->excel->setProperty("DisplayFullScreen", false);
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Visible = true");

10th April 2021, 06:03
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Visible = true");

The first thing I would try is to correctly escape the double-quotes inside the argument to dynamicCall, e.g.

ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars(\"MyToolbar\").Enabled = true");

I do not have the required environment to try any of this but have used ActiveX in Qt before. I have been able to use it more easily with a suitable type library. Maybe you should look at the ActiveQt tool dumpccp (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/activeqt-dumpcpp.html) and the TYPELIBS qmake variable.

10th April 2021, 08:07
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = true");
ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Visible = true");

The first thing I would try is to correctly escape the double-quotes inside the argument to dynamicCall, e.g.

ui->excel->dynamicCall("CommandBars(\"MyToolbar\").Enabled = true");

I do not have the required environment to try any of this but have used ActiveX in Qt before. I have been able to use it more easily with a suitable type library. Maybe you should look at the ActiveQt tool dumpccp (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/activeqt-dumpcpp.html) and the TYPELIBS qmake variable.

Hi, thanks for the reply. My actual code does have the correct escape characters but unfortunately this seems to have been lost when cut/pasting to the forum for some reason :(