View Full Version : random

21st May 2007, 07:04
Hello everybody,

I have some numbers, for example 16, 20, 23, 40, 43

I need to generate a random number of only this numbers i have.

How could i make this on QT or C++ ??

Can somebody help me?

For the moment i have this:

int max;
QSqlQuery count("select count(words_id) from words_tbl");
max = count.value(0).toInt();

int a = (1 + ( rand() % ( max - 1 + 1 ) ));
QString b = QString::number(a);

21st May 2007, 07:47
This is smart enough :)

int fnc(){
static int nmbrs[] = {16, 20, 23, 40, 43};
int r = rand() % 5; // use something smarter than modulo here
return nmbrs[r];

23rd May 2007, 08:08
uau :D
Thank you very much, you can think digital very well :p

1st June 2007, 07:05
Hi everybody,

With following sql statement i am able to rand a id from my database..
Its works, but the number 1 come every 3. time i run it :(

Have somebody a idea how to solve this by this sql statement? :crying:
If it possible i would like to rand a id with sql..

QString random;
QSqlQuery count("SELECT words_id FROM words_tbl WHERE rowid>=random() % (SELECT max(words_id)+1 FROM words_tbl) LIMIT 1;");

random = count.value(0).toString();

1st June 2007, 08:41
Do you initialise the random number generator for your sql server with a pseudorandom seed? Moreover, as I said, modulo is not the best operator here... How many rows to you have in that table?


5th June 2007, 17:27
Hi wysota,
I have on my sqlite database at the moment 250 rows, but the database will grow slowly..

My sended script works good, but just the number 1 repeat a lot..
The best solution for me would be that random numbers never repeats..

Have you a idea how to rand a number, and until my app is runing is not possible to rand a same number?


5th June 2007, 19:31
I have on my sqlite database at the moment 250 rows, but the database will grow slowly..

My sended script works good, but just the number 1 repeat a lot..
The best solution for me would be that random numbers never repeats..
What if you run the lottery 251 times?

Have you a idea how to rand a number, and until my app is runing is not possible to rand a same number?

You can create a table with numbers 1-250 sequenced randomly and then when you want a random number, take a random row, remove it from the table and return the result. But again, what will happen if you want to have 251 random numbers?

6th June 2007, 07:00
Hi wysota its a great idea..

If i would run 251 i will get 0 probally?

6th June 2007, 10:41
If i would run 251 i will get 0 probally?

You won't get anything.

6th June 2007, 12:33
Hi Wysota, thats ok for my app..

Thank you, i will try it :)