View Full Version : Another licensing question

19th August 2021, 03:02
I thought I understood the Qt licensing strategy, but I went to the Qt Company's "Products & Features (https://www.qt.io/product/features)" page and now I am confused.
If I select "LGPL v3" for the license model the development platform defaults to "Windows". When I change the dev platform to "Linux" the license model switches to "Commercial".
I can't seem to get a filter that shows me available features for "LGPL v3" and "Linux".
But I do find plenty of libqt packages in my package manager on Linux Mint. (libqt5core5a, libqt5gui5, ...)
So, can I develop on Linux for Linux with Qt using the LGPL v3 license?

19th August 2021, 15:33
Qt Company's "Products & Features" page

I think that page is buggy. If you change any of the drop-downs, it changes others at the same time. LGPL v3 is available on all platforms AFAIK.

Try this page instead (https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer) and click the "View other options" link if needed to get to the platform you want. Qt seems to have adopted a strategy of making it as hard as possible to use Qt under LGPL by making you jump through all sorts of hoops to get it.

19th August 2021, 17:45
I downloaded the file but my Linux Mint system doesn't know what to do with a ".run" extension.
I subsequently checked further in the package manager and found a qtCreator package. I've installed that and will continue from there.
Again thank you for the info.

Added after 8 minutes:

Figured out the ".run" problem. Just had to chmod +x.
I can run it, but I've already installed qtCreator so I will go with what I've got. Except for the tiny fonts on my 1440 screen everything is going well so far.

Added after 58 minutes:

Except for the tiny fonts on my 1440 screen

Fixed this problem!

Tools > Options > Environment > Enable high DPI scaling