View Full Version : I get stuck trying to build PyQt5

Lucas jeffrey
7th June 2024, 15:58
Im trying to build PyQt5 from source code, but i dont know where to find the source code of PyQt5 neither how to build PyQt5 or how the build process even works. I already built qt5-opensource-src-5.15.14 from source code, and also qwt qscintilla and qtkeychain, but im stuck with PyQt5. Can someone explain me how to do it please?

10th June 2024, 07:00
Hi, simply installing it using
pip install PyQt5
is not an option?


Lucas jeffrey
11th June 2024, 18:45
Unfortunately i need to build PyQt5 from source code because i was instructed to do it in that way at work.
After a couple days trying i was able to build PyQt5 but in order for PyQt5 to compile i needed to do some patches in the code (Which i think is not so good), i downloaded the source code from here: https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/mingw-python-qt5/PyQt5-5.15.10.tar.gz/
which seems to be an unofficial download link. Also im missing the dependency PyQt5.sip, i don't understand why it built without that dependency