View Full Version : QtPlugin compile issue

25th May 2007, 16:26
Hello everyone,

I am trying to create a plugin that either sets up a widget with controls or returns a QWigdet that will become a child widget of a parent. Bascially I am trying to use QtPlugin to create a MDI app and each plugin will provide a different view.

I am using Qt 4.2.2 Windows Open Source with MinGW as the compiler.

The issue I am running into is I keep getting the following error when trying to compile my test plugin:

moc_myplugin.cpp: undefined reference to 'vtable for MyPluginInterface'

When I take out the setupWidget function everthing works fine and I can even call the gethello function from a test app from the compiled plugin dll.

Thank you in advance for any help :) .

- Chris

Here is the code for my plugin and interface:

// interface.h


class QString;
class QWidget;

class MyPluginInterface
virtual ~MyPluginInterface() {}
virtual QString gethello() const = 0;
virtual void createWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);

Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(MyPluginInterface, "com.MyPluginInterface/1.0")


// myplugin.h

#ifndef MYPLUGIN_H
#define MYPLUGIN_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QtGui>

#include "interfaces.h"

class MyPlugin : public QObject, public MyPluginInterface

// MyPluginInterface
QString gethello() const;
void createWidget(QWidget *parent);

#endif //MYPLUGIN_H

// myplugin.cpp

#include "myplugin.h"

QString MyPlugin::gethello() const
return "Hello World!";

void MyPlugin::createWidget(QWidget *parent)

Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(myplugin, MyPlugin)

25th May 2007, 16:34
"createWidget" is not declared as pure virtual (=0).

25th May 2007, 16:37
Ah :eek: oops. That fixed it, thanks for the help. It's amazing the response time you guys have on this forum.