View Full Version : Mainicon in osx

26th May 2007, 07:33
how get a icon in my program. The programicon or applicationicon for osx?
I develop with xcode.
thanks in advance

26th May 2007, 09:26
You mean an icon for your Qt program?
If so, then do it the usual way, by creating a resource file ( qrc ) and adding the icon there. Make sure you set XCode to compile the qrc.

If you're not using Qt then you must create a new resource file ( ppob with Constructor or Resorcerer ) and create an icon suite.

26th May 2007, 12:18
You mean an icon for your Qt program?
If so, then do it the usual way, by creating a resource file ( qrc ) and adding the icon there. Make sure you set XCode to compile the qrc.

If you're not using Qt then you must create a new resource file ( ppob with Constructor or Resorcerer ) and create an icon suite.

Yes, I think to the mainicon of my Qtprogram for osx. The qrc I have assigned to code will do compile. How is the name of the icon resource.(MAINICON?)

<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
<qresource prefix="">
<file alias="MAINICON" >images/icon.ico</file>

26th May 2007, 12:44
how get a icon in my program. The programicon or applicationicon for osx?
I develop with xcode.
thanks in advance

Here is my variant...

Open /Developer Application tool or so Icons manager ...
save the file default *.icns

drag your minimum 200x200 png image to all level 20 , 80 , 128 , ....
and save the file... to root projekt same level as pro file...

open on your pro file write....

macx:RC_FILE = htmlic.icns
win32:RC_FILE = win.rc

#### run on unviersal if you build qt -universal
#### macx:QMAKE_MAC_SDK=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
#### macx:CONFIG+=x86 ppc

rewrite xcode file
qmake -spec macx-xcode *name*.pro

26th May 2007, 12:58
the correct path is /Developer/Application/Utilities/icn Composer... part of xcode ... mac

the default app to make the mac icon format is not ico but .icns

to each level drag in your image...