View Full Version : Beginning network programming

28th May 2007, 22:18
I have created a simple little game, and I wish to make it play over network. The datatransfer is simple, they take turn sending 4 ints (the moves) to each other.
How do you write code for this?
I have never written network code before.

28th May 2007, 23:18
Should both clients have a QTcpServer running and let the other client connect to them? Or should only one be runnig as server?

28th May 2007, 23:30
It doesn't matter. For simplicity make only one of them a server.

29th May 2007, 19:39
I'm trying to work with the

example, but how can I let the client send data back to the server?

Update: I think I got it! I just send back data and receive it with the socket that was given by the nextPending-something .
It worked! :)