View Full Version : QT class name roboter - QKeyWord

31st May 2007, 12:28
I have write a small light roboter to greb QT class name & word, to insert as Completion.
Any time you can insert unique words to Completion (on manual modus - or robot grep word on open file..) and export as list or SQLite3 file. Like a google on your projekt file..
Work also as a light-fast C++ editor, Zoom in/out , search , tab indent, word Completion,Drag file/s to mainwindow to open, or drag on app icon file ecc....

Run on linux ubuntu && window maybe mac tiger or more .

Only search & replace not run on the first version; why?
I like to enable search & replace included new line or tabs not only one inline word...
Example search:

"word\n" replace to "word\t" or group from word inluded new line....

Any suggestion are welcome.

have a look on...
