View Full Version : qt4 loses my widgetstack pages

7th June 2007, 00:22
i'm moving from qt3 to qt4 but encountered some real problems with the way the porting tool handled some of my ui files. my biggest problem is that my app is widgetstack heavy, but in the port, the tool only moved over the first page. i don't know whether the other pages are still there but not visible, but i can't seem to access them (i don't think they were processed).

anyone else have this problem? what have others done?


14th June 2007, 21:39
First of all, I must admit that I'm not very experienced in porting from Qt3 to Qt4. I started with Qt4 myself and I haven't ported any real applications but only helped a few people with their particular problems.

anyone else have this problem? what have others done?
It is very unfortunate if the porting tool really manages to lose pages belonging to a stack of widgets. I haven't heard anyone having similar problem and nothing about such problem is mentioned in the porting notes (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/porting4.html#qwidgetstack) either. Maybe rest of the pages contain somehow problematic widgets and therefore the porting tool skips them?

All I can do for now is to persuade you to take it as a challenge of learning Qt4 and to do the porting by hand. The differences between Qt3's QWidgetStack and Qt4's QStackedWidget look pretty much cosmetic anyway. In case you bump into other problems, let us know and we'll be happy to help! ;)