View Full Version : Qt4.3 and MSVC++ 2005 - unable to install Qt

12th June 2007, 09:00
I have been following this guide http://wiki.qtcentre.org/index.php?title=Qt4_with_Visual_Studio .

I have configured and compiled the library successfully. I then move on to the "Installing" chapter, and run "nmake install_qmake", which works great.

However, when I try to run "nmake sub-src-install_subtargets", I get this error message:

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'sub-src-install_subtargets'

I have also tried to run "nmake install", but instead of copying files, the program tries to run the files instead. Here is the last few lines copied from the command prompt (see the last line in particular, the "copy /y" part is missing)

nmake -f Makefile.Release install

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

copy /y "release\systray.exe" "c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop\systray\systray.exe"
1 fil(er) ble kopiert.
copy /y c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.0\examples\desktop\systray\main.cpp c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop\systray
1 fil(er) ble kopiert.
copy /y c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.0\examples\desktop\systray\window.cpp c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop\systray
1 fil(er) ble kopiert.
copy /y c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.0\examples\desktop\systray\window.h c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop\systray
1 fil(er) ble kopiert.
copy /y c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.0\examples\desktop\systray\systray.qrc c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop\systray
1 fil(er) ble kopiert.
copy /y c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.0\examples\desktop\systray\systray.pro c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop\systray
1 fil(er) ble kopiert.
c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.0\examples\desktop\desktop.pro c:\Qt4-msvc2005-shared\examples\desktop

The guide worked great with Qt4.2.3, but I can't get 4.3 to work.

Any ideas?

12th June 2007, 14:59
Looks like this is renamed to
now. Can you please give it a try?

15th June 2007, 08:21
Sorry for the delay, I have not been at the office for a couple of days.

"nmake install_subtargets" worked, sort of. A lot of files were copied, but I got the same problem I described earlier. The install script suddenly wanted to start opening files instead of copying them. I'm wondering if a COPY command in a makefile has not been set, but I'm not sure which one that could cause the problem.

15th June 2007, 08:28
You're right. Looks like tt introduced a new QMAKE_foo variable in qmake.conf.

Please add


to mkspecs/win32-msvc2005/qmake.conf (somehwere near QMAKE_COPY) and rerun qmake in the examples/desktop and see if it works.
If it works, let me know so I can create a new patch.

15th June 2007, 10:11
It did not work. I get the same problem.

15th June 2007, 10:18
Please also modify mkspecs/default/qmake.conf (or copy it from win32-msvc2005 - folder) and don't forget to rerun qmake inside exmaples/desktop!

15th June 2007, 13:11
I still had the problem with COPY_FILE = copy /y, but setting INSTALL_FILE = copy /y worked.

I did this in the examples/desktop first, trying to locate the problem. It worked, but then I got a problem in the next folder, examples/dialogs. I then set INSTALL_FILE = copy /y in that makefile, and tried again. Now the problem had moved on to the next folder (examples/draganddrop), and so on...

Maybe INSTALL_FILE = copy /y could somehow be set in the qmake.conf files, or in examples/makefile? I haven't had the chance to test yet.

I was following the guide on the wiki, and it didnt mention having to change anything in the examples/makefile. That may be the cause of my problems.

Edit: I am running a "nmake install_subtargets" right now, so I'm not sure if everything works correctly yet, but setting INSTALL_FILE might be the solution.

15th June 2007, 13:53
Now I got it to work.

I added


to mkspecs\default\qmake.config and mkspecs\win32-msvc2005\qmake.config, and generated all makefiles again. I think adding them to win32-msvc2005\qmake.config will be enough, but I'm not 100% certain.

Then I ran "nmake install_subtargets", and it completed successfully.

15th June 2007, 15:41
I've found the problem. Your version also works, but there is an easier and better solution for this.
Thx for the help on investigate this, a new patch is coming soon

18th June 2007, 23:51

i have compiled qt using visual studio 2005 but I'm not sure if the compile was completely finished... examples work, so do demos, assistant, designer. I'm not sure if everything compiled because when compiling qt 4.2.2 I got nice message telling me of success (when registering server), but here I didn't get that message. I have posted a screenshot of my compile at the end when it stopped and please tell me if there was anything wrong with the compile process.

19th June 2007, 00:46

i have compiled qt using visual studio 2005 but I'm not sure if the compile was completely finished... examples work, so do demos, assistant, designer. I'm not sure if everything compiled because when compiling qt 4.2.2 I got nice message telling me of success (when registering server), but here I didn't get that message. I have posted a screenshot of my compile at the end when it stopped and please tell me if there was anything wrong with the compile process.

It looks fine. There is no "cl.exe returned with exit code 1" or something similar, which would indicate an error.

25th July 2007, 12:56
I have been following this guide http://wiki.qtcentre.org/index.php?title=Qt4_with_Visual_Studio

Done anyone know what happen after "nmake"? ( quote ) :(

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\l
ink.EXE"' : 傳回碼 '0x460'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\n
make.EXE"' : 傳回碼 '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : 傳回碼 '0x2'

"傳回碼 " mean "return code"

I use VC++ 2005 & QT4.3.0.

any suggest?

25th July 2007, 21:45
Done anyone know what happen after "nmake"? ( quote ) :(
Could you paste the whole error starting from the last command?