View Full Version : how to find all connects of signals to slots

19th June 2007, 13:48
What i am trying to say is if
connect(QSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), QLCDNumber, SLOT(display(int)));

how would i know if the bottom exists or not even before compiling my program.
connect(QSlider , SIGNAL(valueChange(int)), QFont, SLOT(QFONT::Stretch())

can i search the troltech.com site or is there some other easy way to get
this list ??

relating to QT4.3.0

19th June 2007, 15:12
I can assure you it doesn't exist :)

You can grep Qt sources.

19th June 2007, 22:31
Hey srikpen,

I don't know if this will help, but there is a post in the QT Software section that has an object browser class:
