View Full Version : qDebug with/without MSVC

20th June 2007, 11:39
I was using QDebug successfully earlier with MSVC 2005 Express. A couple weeks ago, however, I stopped using MSVC's GUI apparatus, and now edit my code and .pro files in a Cygwin/bash terminal with vi, and compile/link the program with 'nmake' in the Visual Studio Command Prompt.

Unfortunately: I don't know how to view the qDebug output now. Do I have to go back to using MS bloat-ware to view qDebug's output?

20th June 2007, 12:00
Either enable console by adding the following line to .pro:

CONFIG += console
and rebuild the project (you'll get an extra console for the debug output). Alternatively you can use a tool called DebugView (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/debugview.mspx) to examine the debug output.

20th June 2007, 12:58
once again jpn, thanks.