View Full Version : Title Bar Alignment and mainwindow options

16th July 2007, 04:22
I hav an application developed on Windows and hav ported to Linux.The title bar which was on the left side on Windows appears in the center on Linux.I even removed minimize,maximize option in my window but both options are available on Linux.Can anybody suggest how to get these things done..

16th July 2007, 06:41
use Transformation.
what code you have written?

16th July 2007, 06:52
I hav used setTitleBar("name) within the QMainWindow constructor.On windows OS the title
appears on the left side but when i use the same code on Linux the title appears in the center..Also the application needed a MainWindow without maximize and minimize button so passed Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint as argument to the QMainWindow constructor .It worked fine for Windows OS but on Linux minimize button is visible.s there any mrthod to hide those on Linux OS

16th July 2007, 07:17
I didnt get setTitleBar() in Qt4 & Qt3.
which version of qt you using?
is your function not accepting Qt::AlignLeft( Qt::Alignment) ?

16th July 2007, 07:25
Sorry its actually...
setWindowTitle("Name")...i am using Qt 4.3.....
I want the title in the leftside......The ststement works fine for Windows OS but on Linux i will get the Title in the center

16th July 2007, 07:39
try to set
or check setWindowFlags() doc.

16th July 2007, 08:10
I even tired with setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint)..Its does not work.
I had passed Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint as arguement to QMainWindow Constructor.I even tried using this in setWindowFlags() but its not working.It worked fine on Windows OS
but on Linux there is some problem...Is there any other option