View Full Version : Cursor not changing

16th July 2007, 18:13
I have a class that inherits from QMainWindow called CMainForm.

I have a menu action that triggers a method called menuPackageLogs().

At the begining of the method I set the cursor to Qt::WaitCursor, and at the end I set it back to Qt::ArrowCursor. In between I call a routine that blocks for a while. The problem is that my cursor never changes. It is always an arrow, never an hour glass.

I must be missing something fundemental here.
Here is an example of the method that gets called:

void CMainForm::menuPackageLogs()
// Change cursor to wait cursor

bool bRet = UpgradeUtils::PackageLogs();

// Change cursor back to standard arrow

if (bRet == true)
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Package Logs"),
"Upgrade log files successfully packaged.");
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Package Logs"),
"Could not package Upgrade log files.");

If anyone has any ideas, I am all ears. Thanks.

16th July 2007, 18:40
Are you sure this function is executed?
If it is, then maybe the PackageLogs exits very fast so you don't have time to see the difference.

Try adding QThread::msleep(5000); before or after the function call.See if you notice any difference.


16th July 2007, 18:49
I did a sleep() for 15 seconds... with no luck. My application just hangs till it is done sleeping. The cursor never changes.

16th July 2007, 18:54
Yes, use QApplication::setOverrideCursor to set the busy cursor and QApplication::resoreOverrideCursor to restore the arrow cursor.

Both these functions are static.


Gopala Krishna
17th July 2007, 15:13
If anyone has any ideas, I am all ears. Thanks.

Just a lame idea which might work. Add this before calling bool bRet = UpgradeUtils::PackageLogs();