View Full Version : Assigning bundle resources for Xcode on qmake project files

17th July 2007, 03:26
I want to know if there is a way to assign bundle resources for Xcode by using qmake project files.
So I don't have to manually add the appropriate resources (mostly .txt, and .mng) inside the Bundle Resources on Xcode.

What qmake variables should I use ?

By the way is there any complete documentation of qmake variables besides those given by Trolltech ?
One example of variables that I don't see in documentation is "ICON" for Mac OS X bundle applications icon.

Any help would be appreciated.

17th July 2007, 14:42
I want to know if there is a way to assign bundle resources for Xcode by using qmake project files.
So I don't have to manually add the appropriate resources (mostly .txt, and .mng) inside the Bundle Resources on Xcode.

What qmake variables should I use ?

By the way is there any complete documentation of qmake variables besides those given by Trolltech ?
One example of variables that I don't see in documentation is "ICON" for Mac OS X bundle applications icon.

Any help would be appreciated.

make a projekt *pro file + postprocess ... QMAKE_POST_BUILD / QMAKE_POST_LINK to exec your sh to fill bundle ... to search example have a look on
http://www.google.com/codesearch && use key

after translate your *pro file to xcode


qmake -spec macx-xcode *name*.pro

and show the xcode result.... :)

or use info.plist to load other resource ..

17th July 2007, 17:05
INSTALLS is your friend! Here's the Mac section of one of my project files (myapp):

macx {
CONFIG += x86 ppc
QMAKE_MAC_SDK = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk

QMAKE_POST_LINK=strip myapp.app/Contents/MacOS/myapp

# install into app bundle
data.path = myapp.app/Contents/Resources
data.files = data/* pics/splash.png mac/application.icns mac/document.icns
INSTALLS += data

misc.path = myapp.app/Contents
misc.files = mac/Info.plist mac/PkgInfo
INSTALLS += misc

doc.path = myapp.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj
doc.files = docs/book/*.html