View Full Version : Commaseparated list with inline-completion with QLineEdit and QCompleter

17th July 2007, 11:50

I'm currently developing a tagging-dialog for a media company using qt4 on their client software. The dialog has a QLineEdit where you is supposed to be able to enter a comma separated list of tags. A feature we have been looking to add to this is auto-completion of the tags.

This is the current code:

QCompleter *completer = new QCompleter(complist);
completer->setCompletionPrefix ( text.split(",").back().trimmed().toLower() );

It works ok for the first word, when you start writing on a empty line. But I also want it to work, as if it was a blank line, after a comma. ie. if you write "indie, roc" the last word should inline-complete to rock the sameway as if you only wrote "roc". Hope that make sens.

17th July 2007, 12:35
I have build

word completer from DB sqlite and grep word from text....

to insert comma separated word... replace Space and special sign by ##_## as example
and after iterate QTextDocument to replace the placeholder....

completer not like space...

17th July 2007, 16:00
Solved it. Thx :) If you want to see the result, download the Last.fm client v1.4 when it's released.

21st December 2010, 01:35
Here's a stupid simple solution. I like this one the best

21st January 2011, 01:27
This also seems to do the job for the most part. When you actually do a completion it replaces the text in the line edit so more work might be needed or special handling on the line edit side would have to be implemented

class QdTermCompleter(QtGui.QCompleter):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtGui.QCompleter.__init__(self, [], parent)
self.terms = []

def setTerms(self, terms):

def splitPath(self, path):
raw_values = str(path).split(",")
values = [val.strip() for val in raw_values if val.strip()]
if len(raw_values) != len(values):
return [path]
return [values[-1]]