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View Full Version : Qt 4 Reporting framework

25th July 2007, 14:25
Hi there,
I tried NCReport for generating some reports ,and I've found its source code awful and some security flaws such us bufferoverrun's (made by changing the report encoding from utf8 to utf16,..etc).
Finally,I concluded that NCReport actually is not suited for a real production code. And I'm asking Qt guys if it would be possible to build an elegant reporting framework that target business intelligence facilities,entirely based on QGraphicsView framework.


25th July 2007, 21:35
Have you noticed OpenRPT (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-software-16/t-banded-report-writer-for-qt4-6718.html)?

25th July 2007, 21:47
Please, do not double post (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-qt-4-reporting-framework-8238.html).